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Real Fake by Janet Gerow

Upon arriving into Cambodia many of us noticed the sights and smells of a notion still recovering from the atrocities of the late 1970’s . It was over a 4 year period almost 25% of the population died, thru murder, disease, starvation, torture. However we also noticed many cars, new cars, Lexus, SUVs, Toyota SUVs etc. how could this be? Were there really that many middle or upper class families in this devastated land? We continued to wonder as we spent our first day visiting two locations that further explained what happened during the Khmer Rouge takeover of the country. Later int he day, the founder of one of the ministry partners serving in the area, presented her ministry to the team. As she explained a bit of the Khmer culture, she also told us the fancy and new Lexus and the Toyotas aren’t real.  They are fake. she stated the outside is new but under the hood is old. This reminded me of how we as Christians can be like the “Fake Lexus”. So many are more concerned with the outward appearance. We want to wear the Christian cross necklace, or attend just the right church and make sure that everyone sees us. 

Sadly there are likely many “fake Lexus” filling the church. They look like a ‘Christian’, but inside there is darkness. There is no change, it is old and falling apart. It is time for each of us to examine ourselves, our own heart and ask ourselves do we truly have and desire a personal relationship with Jesus. I do. Do you?