
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Written by Monica

I knew very little about Cambodia when I signed up for this journey, but this is where God has called me. I’ve experienced so many emotions since I’ve been here. One that has stood out is awe at The Lord. When we visited S-21 and the killing fields, there were many pictures and stories  of the brutal killings and torture. One in particular was about how they would kill babies and children by swinging their heads against a tree.
We saw that tree.

A man  named “the Duch” was in charge of S-21 assisted in and thought of brutal ways to torture people. After the genocide, he was put in prison and later released. Duch was seen at the memorial, by that tree, repenting for what he had done. He had been born again into Christianity and now has Gods grace and mercy. As humans, it almost impossible to fathom this kind of forgiveness  the Lord gives us. God starts at impossible! That is awesomeness!!

One response to “Forgiveness at the Tree”

  1. Sometimes hard to phantom how huge the Lord’s love is when at times I can’t forgive myself for things done in the past. Amen that ” his love remains”