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More “Firsts”

By Kelsey –

This trip has included a lot of first time experiences for me. From the first time flying overseas to the first time traveling in a tuk-tuk. My first mission trip has been an experience of a lifetime. The most impactful first have has so far was when 2 of our tuk-tuk drivers decided to give their lives to Christ.

On the 4th day of our trip, as we headed out of the hotel on the way to our afternoon ministry, Amanda was talking passionately to one of the drivers. I was drawn to their conversation and as I approached them, O found out that this driver wanted to give his life to Christ. As we gathered around these men and started praying, I was flooded with emotions. I felt so much joy my heart – I got to witness the incredible power of the Holy Spirit. It was rewarding to see and feel the Holy Spirit working through these men. Not only did the one tuk-tuk driver that Amanda was talking to give his life to Christ, but so did our other driver. As Don prayed in Khmer, I witnessed the change in the men’s demeanor. You could see the freedom and delight in their faces and although there was a language barrier, you would not tell in that moment. We were all speaking God’s language.

Photo by Connie Rock

The most powerful emotion I experienced though this proves was pain. This caught me by surprise. I was feeling pain all of the people who so not know Christ. All of the people who have never hear about Jesus of the ones who have and still do not believe. My heart aches for these people. People who may never accept Christ into their hearts.

I was to help bring more individuals to God and have finally realized how important that is as well as how much God has put that on my heart.